Maungaraki School — May 16, 2019

Wellington National Rippa Championship


On Tuesday 7 May we had 10 students representing Maungaraki at the Wellington Rippa Qualifier. They had an excellent tournament and played a hard-fought final against Muritai, which they won 5-4! They will now go on to represent Wellington at the National Championship, which is being held in Wellington from August 25th - 27th. We look forward to cheering them on!

The players absolutely did the school proud. They were humble, polite, great listeners and respectful both on and off the field. They supported and encouraged each other, looked after the new players, and their on-field play reflected the fact that no one person was bigger than the team. It was awesome!

Congratulations to Cole Gwerder, Cooper Burt, Boston Perez-Peleti, Harrison Sneddon, Storm King, Mia Burt, Casey Hurley, Sophia Berry, Sophie Papps, and Charlie Edhouse, and our non-travelling reserves Lachie Krushka, Sam Leonard, and Juliet Berry who put 100% into training and were ready to step up at any moment.

A big thank you and congratulations to Naomi Burt for managing the team, and Richard Papps and Corey Burt for coaching!


Congratulations to Kain Burgess who got a gold in the Kata and a bronze in Kumite at the Kyoso Cup Karate Championship.  Well Done!