Maungaraki School — Nov 15, 2018

Week 6


Tomorrow (Friday 16 November) our staff will be on strike.  School will be closed for instruction.

We do acknowledge that this is an inconvenience for families and children here at school and would like to pass on our heartfelt thanks to our very supportive community at this time. 


Congratulations to all of our students who attended the South West Zone Athletics at Hutt Rec. on Tuesday.  We are still waiting on the final results from the LHPSSA to confirm who has qualified for the Interzone event.  Once we have the results we will share with parents.


We have gratefully received a grant from the 'Thomas George Macarthy Trust' for $4000.  The grant can be used to purchase Library resources such as books or computers.  We are lucky to receive this grant on a biennial basis and appreciate the ongoing support of the Trust.  


It was with sadness that the Board of Trustees recently accepted the resignation of Daryl Collingwood.  Daryl has been a valuable part of Maungaraki School over the last 12 years supporting us in many different roles.  He has a strong connection with the community and is going to be greatly missed by us all.


Last week eight of our year 5 and 6 students competed in the EPro8 Challenge at Hutt Intermediate.  It was an intense two and a half hours for the two teams as they worked their way through a range of challenges that tested their problem solving skills.  At the end of the event, one of our teams had done enough to finish in first place and progress to the semi finals. Well done to all 8 students for representing Maungaraki so well!


The Library will be closed from Monday 3 December to complete the  end of year stock take and clean up.  All issued Library books need to be returned by Friday 30 November.  A list of over due books will be given to the classroom teachers next week.


Issue 8 opens on Monday 19 November.  All orders for this issue are to be done ONLINE only and can be placed on the scholastic website

Orders will be closed off on Friday 30 November to enable these to be delivered before the end of Term 4


Our next new entrant parents evening is coming up on the 27 November at 6pm.  This is an introductory presentation to inform new and prospective parents about the Junior School programs run at Maungaraki School.  Please pass this on to any families who may want to attend the meeting.  Contact the school office on 569 7205 to advise if you are attending.  Thanks.


We couldn't run all of the activities and sports we do with out the wonderful support of our school families and the wider community.   If you have helped us out in any way we would like to invite you to a Thank You afternoon tea being held on Tuesday 4 December from 2:15pm.

Please RSVP to the school office ph: 569 7205 to advise if you will be attending.  Thanks.


Hutt Vally High have recently announced their Student Leaders for 2019 and it is wonderful to see so many past Maungaraki School students on the list.  

A special congratulations to Jhansi Hawkins who was named as one of the Head students for 2019.  Well done team Maungaraki!