Hero photograph
Photo by Maungaraki school


Maungaraki School —

Election Day 7 September 2022

School board elections are held every three years and will be held in September this year.  Nominations for five parent representative positions on the Maungaraki School Board will be called in July.  We would love to see nominations from all parts of our community. Being a board member is a rewarding role and a great way to use your skills and experience to benefit our school.

The main objective for a school board is to ensure every student reaches their highest possible level of achievement. The board sets the strategic direction for the school, monitors student progress towards learning outcomes, and oversees the governance of the school to ensure that everything which needs to be done gets done.

Here’s what one of our board members, Wayne Church, says about his experience on the Maungaraki School Board:

“I have really enjoyed the past three years on the Maungaraki School Board. We have a very collegial group of parent and staff representatives and the Principal, who care about our school and the education and welfare of students and staff.

Each board member takes on different responsibilities and mine has focused on reviewing policies which govern Maungaraki School. These policies set expectations for how our school can be a good employer, manage its finances and property, give effect to Te Tiriti o Waitangi, ensure the health and safety of staff and students, and so on. The Board reviews each policy to make sure it is fit for purpose, aligned with current legislation, and focused on a governance level to enable the Principal to operate the school effectively. It can be very satisfying to learn more about a particular policy area, discuss it with other board members, and make changes which help keep our school an enjoyable and safe place to learn.”

If you would like to know more about the Maungaraki School Board, feel free to talk to a member of the Board, email: board@maungaraki.school.nz, or come along to observe the next board meeting, which will be at 6pm on Wednesday 3 August in the staffroom. 

For more information see the below links to the School Board Elections website and the attached guide:

Election Timeline:

Friday 15 July - Nominations open
Wednesday 3 August - Nomination close at 12pm
Wednesday 10 August - Voting papers issued by this date
Wednesday 7 September - Election day, voting closes at 4pm
Tuesday 13 September - Votes are counted.

Please do contact us if you have any questions.