Shane Robinson — Mar 7, 2019

Election Year 2019

This year is board election year.  We would love to continue to see our amazing and diverse community represented on our school board.  The board is a great place to make a difference to our school.  We need people with a wide range of skills, from a wide range of backgrounds to represent our school.

The board is entrusted to work on behalf of all stakeholders and is accountable for the school’s performance.  It emphasises strategic leadership, sets the vision for the school, and ensures that it complies with legal and policy requirements.  Policies are at a governance level and outline clear delegations to the principal.

All of New Zealand's state and state-integrated schools have a board of trustees.  The board of trustees is the Crown entity responsible for the governance and the control of the management of the school.  The board is the employer of all staff in the school, is responsible for setting the school's strategic direction in consultation with parents, staff, and students, and ensuring that its school provides a safe environment and quality education for all its students.  Boards are also responsible for overseeing the management of personnel, curriculum, property, finance, and administration.

The NZ School Trustees Association are running the Kōrari Programme for parents and those in the community who would like to learn more about the role of school trustees and you are invited. The local session is being hosted at Hutt Valley High School at 6.00 pm on Monday 11 March and more information is attached. Take the opportunity to find out a bit more about the role before you decide. 

If you’re interested, please email current Board Chair Paul Matthews on or send a text to 021 705 212 to discuss.


Shane Robinson