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Maungaraki School

by Maungaraki School


Maungaraki School - February 26, 2020


Welcome to 2020 everyone and a special welcome to the new families that have joined us at our school. We had a great year of fundraising in 2019 thanks to the hard work of our community and we are looking forward to another successful year ahead.

Last year our awesome hard surfaces and sunshades were installed, we had an entertaining quiz night and a fun disco.  The Home & School contributed to lots of cool things like Kapa Haka uniforms, build and play shed items, board games for the classes and dancing in schools.

This year in addition to the Home & School committee we are creating a Home & School Friends Group. This Friends Group means you can be involved in the Home & School without the need to come to meetings. You can help out as little or as much as you want and keep up to date via email with what activities the Home & School is running. All you need to do is send us an email and we will add you to the Friends Group. 

You can email
Or talk to Lizzie
OR pop in to the school office and chat with Tania and Kirsty.

A few things to note:

AGM - the Home & School Committee AGM is on Monday 16 March at 7:30pm in the staffroom.  Come along if you’re interested and see what it’s all about.

Yummy Stickers - Collect Yummy stickers from Yummy apples or bags.  By collecting the stickers we can enter them in to get a share of $200,000 worth of sports gear.  See the attached sheet below on how to play.  Use the attached 'Sticker Collection' sheet or the 'Cut Out Label' collection sheet to collect your stickers and labels on.  We have these at the school office if you need one.

Entertainment Book - buy your Entertainment Book memberships now by following the link

Parents Meet and greet- Meet at Benedict’s next Wednesday 4 March from 9am to 10am.  Pre-schoolers are welcome.

H & S Friends group - get in touch with us if you would like to join our H&S Friends Group and keep up to date with the H & S activities. 

Coming Up - We are having a Quiz night on Friday 12th June.  There will be a school disco on Friday 15th May so save these dates!