Hero photograph
Photo by Maungaraki School


Maungaraki School —


It was awesome to see so many whanau at our Matariki celebration last night. Together we shared some kai, mahi and waiata on a brisk Maungaraki night. Our tamariki were in fine form as their voices cut through the cool night air.

Thanks to our staff for their efforts organising this and all who came down to school to share this special night.


As the school year progresses, we cannot help but be overwhelmed by the support and generosity we continue to receive from our amazing community and families. Thank you for the invaluable activity donations that have made a huge difference to the experiences we can offer here at Maungaraki School.

Thanks to your contributions, our students will be able to engage in experiences that have fostered curiosity, and learning beyond the classroom walls. From swimming sessions that enhance their physical strength and water confidence, to adventurous camping trips that teach teamwork and resilience, your donations have paved the way for a holistic educational experience. 

We have experienced Trips to Te Papa, allowing our students to immerse themselves in the awe-inspiring world of our history and arts. Additionally, the 'Science in a Van' sessions sparked curiosity in many young minds. Our Education Outside the Classroom activities and trips offer plenty of exciting opportunities for our learners. 

We are deeply grateful for each and every activity and parent donation, as they have collectively created a positive and impactful learning environment for our students. On behalf of the entire staff, we want to express our appreciation for your continuous support. 


We have parent teacher interviews coming up on Tuesday 1st and Wednesday 2nd August. These interviews are an opportunity to meet with your child’s teacher and discuss their progress so far this year as well as setting goals for the remainder of 2023.

If you have yet to book an interview slot, please go in to the HERO app:
1. Navigate to "School Bookings"
2. Click on "Add Bookings"
3. Select the desired available time slot for each child.

If you have any issues with the booking process please contact the office for assistance on: office@maungaraki.school.nz or 569 7205.


Our cup cake fundraisers are always popular. Thank you for your support, we raised $967