Hero photograph
Photo by Maungaraki school


Maungaraki School —

Supported activities

This year we introduced a new way to pay for some of the activities we take part in at school - our Activity Donation. Parents had let us know that the regular payments were inconvenient and time consuming so we introduced a new process. 

A huge thank you to our families for your support during this difficult time, we have felt extremely lucky and truly appreciate it!

This year so far your Activity Donations have been used towards many different things, some of these have been adapted from our original plan due to the impact of COVID 19:


Thanks to your Activity Donation payments Kākano Syndicate has been able to use these learning tools to enhance our classroom programmes - Reading Eggs, Seesaw and Mathseeds (Students who started at the beginning of the year). 

We also have Space Place booked in for Monday and Tuesday of Week 10 Term 3. Looking ahead to Term 4 is our EOTC week which is an exciting time with students participating in a variety of activities. One activity we are looking forward to is Science in a Van (show was cancelled and we are hoping they can come during this week).


Within Tipu the Activity Donation has been utilised to provide in class programmes including Seesaw and Reading Eggspress. We have also been able to undertake EOTC trips to Wellington Zoo, Space Place and Te Papa which has linked in with our classroom programmes. 

Looking forward we plan to have a 'Science in a Van' roadshow which has been postponed from earlier in the year.  And we also have EOTC week activities at the end of term 4.


The Activity Donation payments has meant we can utilise the Reading Plus programme. This supports our tamariki with their reading comprehension, fluency, and vocabulary. Hapara has been a huge asset with fluidity of sharing documents, and monitoring device usage. Seesaw has supported us throughout the year in sharing our learning at home, and was hugely beneficial during Level 3 and 4 of lockdown.

Koru is really looking forward to a day at the Hutt Indoor Sports Centre in September. The morning will start with sports rotations focussing in on our HEART values. After lunch, time will be split between Jumporama and Junglerama.  

Term 4 we are looking forward to participating in some exciting EOTC activities yet to be decided. Watch this space!


In the Fern team, the Activity Donation budget has been used both to support in-class learning and to provide rich learning experiences outside of the classroom.

In class, we have supported our learning programmes by investing in the following digital platforms: Education Perfect, Hapara and Seesaw. We have also invested in technology resources and materials to provide enrichment opportunities through our Project Design sessions as well as elective subjects.

Outside of the classroom, we were able to provide a trip to Matiu-Somes Island, where students were able to apply their learning about conservation to a local context. We were also able to subsidise our recent trip to Brookfield Camp.