Hero photograph
Photo by Maungaraki School


Maungaraki School —

Results for Cross Country


Congratulations to everyone who participated in todays Cross Country event.   See the attached document for 1st, 2nd and 3rd placings in each year group.

Those who qualified for the South West Zone Cross Country event will be notified early next week.


The term 2 basketball league started last week and our teams have had a great start to the season. I have heard so many of the children say how much fun they are having and it's so exciting to see so many who are giving a new sport a go. Good luck to all teams for the rest of the season!


The year 7 & 8 teams are playing their last grading games this weekend.  The year 5 & 6 draw for round 1 is out now.

The recent Netball Hutt Valley newsletter is attached.   A reminder there are no games on Queens Birthday weekend.  

There are 2 gold coin days this season.  The first is on Saturday 25 May and then Monday 27 May.  Please support the centres fundraising with a gold coin donation which helps with projects such as adjustable hoops and stadium hire.