Hero photograph
Photo by Maungaraki School


Maungaraki School —

Congratulations to the following students who won a Principals award at our last assembly.

Room 1 - Olivia Le Pine: for showing perseverance with all areas of your learning, especially with your writing. Thank-you for being such a kind, caring and responsible role model in Room 1. 

Room 2 - Ajilen Trincado McDonald: for showing excellent improvement in Literacy. Your reading is fluent and you are including a lot of interesting words in your writing.

Room 3 - Cooper Jones: for showing persistence during swimming time. You are achieving new water confidence each lesson. Tino Pai!

Room 4 - Cate Morris: for showing excellence in her reading, writing and maths. You challenge yourself daily, well done!

Room 5 - Luke Priest: for developing positive relationships within room 5 and for writing 5 sentences!

Room 6 - Rosa Evennett:  for showing persistence in writing. You are remembering to use our highlighting process to self edit - well done!

Room 7 - Penny Slack: for trying her best to focus on set tasks and challenge herself to write more.

Rooms 8, 9 & 10 - The LAB

Jorge Mas Estrada: for making positive choices in your relationships with classmates and towards your learning. Keep it up!

Hana Aung: for being more confident and sharing your ideas with the class and small groups. Tino pai!

Elizabeth Page: for bringing a positive attitude to everything you do and always thinking of others, making sure everyone’s bucket is filled.

Rooms 11 & 12 - The HUB

Elizabeth Royds: for continuing to be the best Elizabeth she can be.

Bobby Ma: for showing leadership in the classroom, and investment in our programme.