Hero photograph
Photo by Maungaraki School


Maungaraki School —

Award winners

Congratulations to the following students who won a Principal's Award at our assembly on Friday 13 September.  We hope you enjoyed your morning tea with Mr Robinson.

Room 1: Ruby Kleinveld - for an amazing work ethic! Ruby your positive attitude is outstanding and you always ensure your work is presented to a high standard.

Room 2: Rowan Tansley - for excellent improvement in your understanding of fractions. You have been participating well in group sessions and completing independent work to a high standard.

Room 3: Chenxi Wu Jiang - for being a positive learner! You are always willing to push yourself and try your best. Your participation in maths sessions has been fantastic and it has been wonderful to see you sharing your ideas about fractions with others. Tino pai!

Room 4 & 5: 

Jacob Gibbs - for stepping up with your inquiry! Keep it up!

Erin Matthews - for building positive relationships

Dishab Reddy - for your hard work and growth in Reading.

Room 6: Jonathan Cui - for putting 100% effort and enthusiasm into everything you do. Your positive attitude is helping you to achieve many great things this year!

Room 7: Natalie Ferguson - for having a positive attitude towards your learning, especially writing! You have been making great choices and completing all learning tasks. Tino pai keep it up!

Room 8: Sophie Crosland - for amazing writing, maths, reading, artwork and more! You are showing true dedication to your work this term, well done!

Room 9: Alex Tester - for paying special attention to your art and consistently trying your best. Ka Pai!

Room 10: Cooper Burt - you are showing great focus to all areas of your learning this term. Tino Pai, keep it up.

Room 11 & 12: 

Sofie Fraser - for working hard on your choice art piece. It’s great to hear you talking about your next steps and what you are visualising as the end product. Tino pai!

Douglas Ryan - for showing fantastic dedication and work ethic, and challenging yourself by stepping outside your comfort zone, particularly with Dances for School. Tino Pai, keep it up.

Room 14: Mikaere Brown - for following the end of day routine and trying really hard to write a sentence. Tino pai! 

Room 15: Helen Ly- you are a hard working member of Room 15. You always do your best. Ka pai to mahi!