Hero photograph
Photo by Maungaraki School


Maungaraki School —

Award winners

Congratulations to the following students who won a Principal's Award at our assembly on Friday 22 November.  We hope you enjoyed your morning tea with Mr Robinson.

Room 1: Sanchit Ahlawat - for persevering in your learning, taking onboard feedback and implementing it into your new pieces of work. Well done!

Room 2: Dhyey Chudasama - For excellent work in mathematics. You are working hard and showing good skills in problem solving. Well Done!

Room 3: Alicia Wallace-For showing excellence in Literacy. You have been putting in a massive effort into both your reading and writing. Tino pai Alicia!

Room 4 & 5: 

Sophie Dougan - For excellent questioning and interviewing skills.

Ben Barry - For pushing yourself to extend your comfort zone. You always give things a go!

Alison Zondervan - You always volunteer to help out! You try your best with everything you do!

Room 6: Zac Milburn - For showing determination in Writing to go above and beyond the required elements. Well done Zac!

Room 7: Kasey Hoang- for persevering in your learning, taking onboard feedback and implementing it into your work. Tino pai, Keep it up!!

Room 8: Krish Anand - For always putting in 100% into his work, and being helpful to both his classmates and teacher, well done!

Room 9: Shae Atienza - You have been doing excellent writing. Well done on trying your best and continually working to improve your writing. Tino pai Shae!

Room 10: Katherine Yang - For huge improvement in your writing, it is definitely showing in your results. Keep it up.

Room 11 & 12: 

Richard Ferguson - for actively participating in Football in Schools and working hard to be a great teammate. It’s fantastic to see you challenging yourself to try new things. Tino pai!

Minh Nguyen - for actively participating in Football in Schools and working hard to be a great teammate. It’s fantastic to see you challenging yourself to try new things. Tino pai!

Room 13: Dylan Feldberg - for your awesome attitude towards reading. You show up ready to do your best always. What a fantastic start to Maungaraki School.

Room 14: Arisha Sivarajan Chia - for persisting with your learning. You are making great progress with your literacy. Tino pai!

Room 15: Joshua Joyce; for showing a big interest in the alphabet. It is soo exciting to see your passion for exploring new things.