Hero photograph
Photo by Maungaraki School


Maungaraki School —

Award winners

Congratulations to the following students who won a Principal's Award at our assembly on Friday 30 August.  We hope you enjoyed your morning tea with Mr Robinson.

Room 1: Brody Milburn - for persisting in his learning and working hard to learn new things. Brody is also a very kind and caring member of Room 1

Room 2: Indiana Munroe - for striving for excellence in all learning areas. This is particularly seen in the lovely art you are producing for the Art Showcase

Room 3: Adam Guo - for being a team player! You are showing great leadership; encouraging others to make good choices and being a fantastic helper around the class. Tino pai Adam!

Room 4 & 5: 

Mātai Taptiklis - For your independent and critical thinking in workshops.

Samantha Knox - Going above and beyond working towards achieving your goals, in particular your writing.

Ashlee Smith - For improved motivation and enthusiasm for your learning.

Room 6: Aimee Hurley - for going out of your way to offer help and take on extra responsibilities. You are showing great leadership!

Room 7: Millie Agent - for working hard in all areas of the curriculum. You are extending your own learning independently. Tino pai, keep it up!

Room 8: Samantha Rodgers - for huge improvement in your handwriting, and amazing art - well done!

Room 9: Alex Tester - for paying special attention to your art and consistently trying your best. Ka Pai!

Room 10: Aramea King - for having the confidence to ask questions if you are unsure and sharing your ideas confidently in group discussions. Tino Pai, keep it up!

Dallas Ryan - for beginning to independently checking your work before bringing it to me. 

Room 11 & 12: 

Imogen Ward - for taking increased responsibility for your learning. You are making positive choices and putting in 100% effort. Keep it up!

Kate Pilgrim - for going the extra mile in your learning, particularly in Reading. It’s great to see you making positive choices and pushing yourself. Tino pai!

Room 14: Alyssa Ma - for persisting with your learning. Your writing is creative and you have moved up a couple of reading levels. Tino pai!

Room 15: Kendall Struthers- for being a kind friend for anyone who needs a helping hand.