Maungaraki School - June 22, 2022
The Maungaraki Home & School are running a 'Movie Night' fundraiser. Funds raised form this event will go towards our year 7 & 8 camp in term 4.
When: Friday 1 July 2022
Time: Doors open at 5:30pm
Movies start: 6:00pm
Pick up: 7:45pm from the hall
Years 1- 6: Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers (PG) - being played in the hall
Years 7 - 8: Space Jam (G) - being played in room 4 (this movie is for years 7 & 8 only)
Cost: $12 per child which includes the movie, a lolly bag and unlimited popcorn! Please BYO water bottle.
Payment: Needs to be made by Friday 1 July.
School account details: 12-3142-0281104-00 Reference: Movie & child's name
Sales close at 9am on Thursday 30 June. There are no door sales on the night.
Entry: We will hold a list of those attending at the entrance to each movie, no tickets will be given. Please complete the Signmee notice to have your name added to the list.
Who: This event is for Maungaraki School students only and is not suitable for pre schoolers.
Children are encouraged to come in their PJ's, Oodies or Onesies. Bring along a sleeping bag or blanket and a pillow or bean bag...then relax and enjoy the movie!
The Home & School committee will be supervising children on the night. All children attending must be collected from the hall by their caregiver or a delegated person at 7:45pm.
There will be spot prizes on the night, these will be picked at random and will be drawn before the starts. Prizes include Kmart and Jojo's Sweet Treats vouchers!!
There will also be staff present who will have access to your contact details should we need to use them for any reason. Email us at office@maungaraki.school.nz if you have any questions.
Thanks for your support!