Hero photograph
Photo by Maungaraki School


Shane Robinson —

Week 2

Kia Ora,

What a wonderful start to the term we have had - albeit a little cold. School here at Maungaraki is busy - just the way we like it. We have had cross country, welcome assemblies, update evenings and trips all happen in the last fortnight.

This week we had our update meetings here at school. It was wonderful to see so many of you down at school sharing and celebrating your children's learning. At these meetings you will have received a copy of our HEART progressions at your child's level and the goals they will be working on. We really do appreciate the support you offer and all of the hard work you do in helping your child achieve these goals.

We have a few exciting playground opportunities happening here at school. Currently we are in the midst of meeting with playground design teams to look at how we can incorporate the feedback we received from you and the students in an amazing playground for Maungaraki School. Once I have some detailed plans I will be in touch to get your input again. It is looking like we will be able to create a space which meets many of the needs outlined in your survey responses.

We are also excited to be able to share a possible 'Bike Track' for the green space next to the school. This is a project which the Maungaraki Community Association and School are working on together. They have shared a post on facebook and are looking for feedback on this project. Please do head along to the following link to have your say!

We have have our school DISCO coming up next Friday. We are looking forward to a fun night of music and dancing. A big thanks to the Home and School for organising this event.

We are very lucky in New Zealand, and I am reminded of this as I look around the world. Maungaraki School is beginning to return to 'busyness' as usual. It is so nice to see the children exploring concepts on trips, joining in celebrations at school assemblies and competing at sports events. Long may this continue.

No reira kia kaha ra,
Nga Mihi Nui,

Shane Robinson