Hero photograph
Photo by Maungaraki School


Maungaraki School —

Head Shave

Hi, my name is Zac. 

Today I am going to be taking over Mr R's Principal Message, all for a very good cause.

In one of the Assemblies this year I am aiming to shave all hair the hair on my head off as a fundraiser for cancer. I have been thinking about this for a while and was wondering if any of you want to do it too? You could also think about getting it cut to donate for wigs to help people who lose their hair with the cancer treatment. If you wanted to do this, you would need to have hair at least 30cm long.

There will be many other ways to support this great cause, such as supporting me or donating money. I have had talks with Chris Bishop and he has agreed to come along and get a mullet shaved in. I have also emailed some sports teams so hopefully some of them can come as well. It should be a great assembly.

I really hope some of you will join me, this is a great cause.

Cancer is terrible and causes families a huge amount of pain and suffering. Let's try our best to fight cancer so please shave with me .

If you are interested please come to see me in Room 12 before the end of next week

Thank you.  Zac