Maungaraki School — Sep 6, 2018

Award winners

Congratulations to the following students who won a Principal Award at our last assembly.

Room 1 - Edmund Kuah:  For showing passion and excellence with your topic work within the classroom and sharing your vast knowledge of space with the rest of the class.  We love it when you teach us new facts about our universe!

Room 2 - Gus Counsell:  Excellent improvement in reading.  You have been working hard!

Room 3 - Kenan Tibbott:  For showing persistence in Literacy.  You are making great progress in Writing and Reading. Tino Pai, Keep it up!!

Room 4 - Eliot Ferguson:  For having concise written instructions, and making great progress with his Mathematics.

Room 5 - Ava Struthers-Hughes:  For a fantastic start to Maungaraki School.  You are demonstrating a positive attitude to your learning.

Room 6 - Carlo Turner:  For working hard with your buddy to plan and research your Hokey Pokey Science Fair project.  You are beginning to work more independently.  Tino pai!

Room 7 - Cooper Burt:  For his persistence in Mathematics and great work with his science fair project.

Room 14 - Sophie Jones:  For trying really hard and having a positive attitude in her learning. Keep up the super work! 


Emma Larkin:  For showing dedication to your learning and consistently completing your learning tasks each week.  Ka mau te wehi!

Jessaya Krimp:  For showing dedication to your learning and consistently completing your learning tasks each week.  Ka rawe!

Jack Comrie:  For demonstrating fantastic persistence when faced with challenges and always giving 100% to your learning.  We love your attitude! Ka mau te wehi!


Linda Dinh:  For being a role model for our younger tamariki; working hard and helping out so many people at our Working Bee.

Sefton Williamson:  For your consistent effort at our Working Bee.  Ka rawe!

Campbell Darby:  For your persistence creating your hanging garden.  Tino Pai!