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Maungaraki School

by Maungaraki School


Maungaraki School - August 22, 2019

Well done


Congratulations to Will Browne in room 12.  He came 2nd in the Youth D (under 12) Climbing New Zealand 2019 National Bouldering Championships at Hangdog on 4 August. He has trained hard for the competition and got a great result.  

His result has earned him an invite to a Climbing NZ training camp in December where he has the chance to qualify for the NZ Youth Development Team.  Well done!



It was another great week for our Maungaraki basketball teams! Here are the Player of the Day's for Week 2:

Thunder: Minh Huynh
Heat: Jagger Lawn
Knicks: Dana Ufferhardt
Hornets: Ella Comrie
Ballers: Deziah Te Kira
Mavericks: Louie Dal Vesco-Byrne
The Timberwolves and the Spurs both had BYEs this week.


Timberwolves (Year 7/8)
We had a loss this week, going down by 11-22. It took us a while to shake off the cobwebs, and some soft defence led to some easy buckets against us in the first couple of quarters. But we came alive in the third and fourth quarters, and really grew in confidence, putting together some great attacking opportunities. Players of the day were Omar Tibbott, who brought in a huge number of rebounds and worked hard all game, and Ollie Counsell, who was dynamic on attack and accurate with his shooting.

Mavericks (Year 5/6)
Another good game with the Mavericks winning 18-6 with everyone once again playing really well. Player of the day was a hard one to select again, but this time it went to Michael for his amazing defence and never giving up.

Ballers (Year 5/6)
We played well against Boulcott Sharks and won by over 10 goals. The boys are really enjoying their basketball and playing well as a team. Jackson Tipoki is our player of the day as he played outstanding tonight. He hustled on defence and did the extra pass to his team mates to get it down the court quicker. 

Knicks (Year 3/4)
The Knicks played a hard fought game on Monday night, very evenly matched teams, ending in a draw. Players of the day were Eric and Daniel. Eric was our most improved player last term and he has kept that going through into this term. He scored a great shot and made the catch of the match, by somehow ending up with the ball between his knees. Daniel just keeps growing with confidence with each game this term. He listens well and was exactly where I asked him to be, when it was needed, right under the net waiting for the rebounds. He is also getting more sure of himself in defence. I am really proud of how well Daniel (and all his team mates) are playing this term.They are gelling as a team, and really encouraging each other, both on and off the court.

Spurs (Year 3/4)
Our Year 3/4 Spurs team came up against a tough Boulcott team today, who had some very accomplished players. Despite this, we managed to stay in it for much of the game, and almost clawed our way back at the end, but it was not quite to be, and we went down by 14-18. One player of the day was Quinn Tipoki, whose fantastic defence managed to completely close down their best and tallest player. At the other end of the court was our other player of the day, Jacob Vega-Grant, whose excellent shooting kept us in the game. 

Hornets (Year 3/4)
Another tough game for the girls with a loss of 24-2. Again all the team stepped up and really played the full 20 minutes. We did some training around dribbling and body position yesterday and also talked about the physicality of some teams - which I think helped at the game! POD was Makayla who continued to play hard the whole game and really got stuck in under the bucket to get rebounds. 

Heat (Year 1/2)
Maungaraki Heat play such a good team game. I'm really impressed at the way they share the ball and every member of the team is able to have a turn at shooting for the basket. On defence they try their best to defend the player in the other team that matches the same colour as them. It can be hard because you change colours when you sub, but I can see them really focussing hard. Today our player of the day is Ruby because she made some really good progress with getting closer to the hoop to shoot the ball. She is always smiling is such a joy to watch. Keep up the good work Ruby!

Thunder (Year 1/2)
The Maungaraki Thunder are really enjoying their tiniball this season! This week's Player of the Day was Hadleigh Anderson - well done Hadleigh! What a great game you had.