Shane Robinson — Nov 2, 2022

Syndicate Teachers

We have been working on our school structure for 2023. We are excited about the awesome team we have and are happy to advise that the structure for 2023 will be similar to our current school structure here at Maungaraki School. We have worked hard to build an excellent staff over time and the structure in 2023 also minimises classroom movement with most teachers remaining at the same level.

YEAR 1 & 2 - Kākano Team

This team will once again be lead by Trish Cherry in 2023. All of the team have taught in the Kākano Syndicate in 2022 which will provide stability and consistency for our youngest learners.

We will begin the year with four classrooms. Two Year 1 classrooms and two Year 2 classrooms. Our Year 1 classes will grow during the first part of the year as new students join us. Once these classrooms are full, a new classroom will open in approximately in Term 3 of 2023.

We say congratulations to Michaela in Room 2 as she is welcoming a new addition to her family in 2023. Michaela will take a years leave from school while she focuses on her new family.

YEAR 3 & 4 - Tipu Syndicate

Nicola, Hayley and Valerie will remain in the Tipu Syndicate. This consistency will help maintain the Tipu culture and planning. Holly Hughes joins this team in 2023, she has been at Maungaraki School for the second half of 2022 and is an experienced and passionate teacher. 

We will have four classrooms made up of year 3 & 4 students.

YEAR 5 & 6 - Koru Syndicate

This team will be led by Hazel Andis once again in 2023. The team have all been teaching at Maungaraki School this year, with Hazel, Ben and Kim being joined by Jenna Reddy. She is an enthusiastic teacher who will bring great skills to this high functioning team.

We will have four classrooms made up of year 5 & 6 students.

YEAR 7 & 8 - Fern Syndicate

This team will be led by Ben Young once again in 2023 and the Fern team will remain the same. Both Sam and Jo are experienced teachers who bring skills in the areas of Sports and STEM.

We will have three classrooms made up of our year 7 & 8 students.


We are extremely lucky to have a group of wonderfully talented people working alongside us through a range programmes and release roles at our school. We are fortunate to welcome back these people for 2023:

Moira Hooper
Sarah Cappleman
Alle Pollard-Smith
Mandy Viles
Jayne Chatfield
Keryn Deller
Christine Trummer

These staff members play key roles in supporting 2023 projects and initiatives including; Support and Gifted & Talented Programmes, Student Leadership Programmes, Literacy Development, Technology Centre, Sustainability, Te Ao Maori and Cultural Leadership and Sports Leadership.

Support Staff

Our support staff play a crucial role at Maungaraki School, they make the school an amazing place to grow and learn. We welcome the team of Barbara, Julz, Simon, Sasha and Helen back for 2023.

We say a fond 'see you soon' to Corinne who has been supporting students across the school in 2022. Her friendly and bubbly personality has been welcome in our staffroom. Corinne will still be around our school in 2023 in her full time mum role.  

We farewelled Maryann Hainsworth last week. Maryann has been a key member of our school for the past 17 years, making a huge difference for so many of our most at risk learners. Maryann has made strong links with families and grown these learners so much. The impact she has had on their lives will be remembered. Maryann was also a key figure in fighting for support staff working conditions over the last few years, she has made a large difference in this area. 


In Term 1 of 2023 I will be taking a sabbatical from school to carry out some research and refreshment. During this time Darian Schulz will be the Acting Principal. Brigitte Ferguson will be carrying out her Deputy Principal role, with some slight changes in Term 1 of 2023. This role includes pastoral care, professional development oversight and staff well-being. She will also be carrying out the Special Needs Coordinator (SENCo) role. 

Trish Cherry will be in an Acting Assistant Principal role in Term 1 of 2023. This role includes pastoral care, professional development oversight and staff well-being. The role also includes school organisation, managing calendars, creating timetables and managing school-wide events. Trish will be fully released from her classroom role to carry out this AP role.

I would like to thank the Board of Trustees for allowing me to take up this opportunity. I would also like to thank our incredible staff, our school will be in very talented hands.

Class Placements

We are in the process of considering class placements for 2023. Staff look at a wide range of factors to make classroom lists that best suit the learning and social needs of all children. If you do have something additional that you would like to be taken into consideration before we finalise placements, please contact me before Friday 18 November at or alternatively give the office a call and they can make a time for us to chat.

As always if you have any questions about the school structure or want to talk it through, please contact me.

Shane Robinson