Maungaraki School — Nov 25, 2021

Maungaraki After School Care

Maungaraki School has reached an agreement with Maungaraki After School Care Inc. (MASC) to continue operating a service to care for children before and after school. The current staff of MASC and Maungaraki School are doing everything possible to ensure the service continues and to minimise disruption to families who use the service.

The Board of Trustees has formed a sub-committee to undertake a review of the service and the options for how it will operate from 2022 onwards. The review will include input from staff and users of the service. We will consider factors such as cost and convenience for families, impact on current staff and the school’s resources. A report outlining options and a recommendation will be presented to the Board by the end of November and the Board will meet soon after to consider and approve an option. We will be in touch again with staff and families in early December.

We appreciate that many in our community rely on before- and after-school care.  We will aim to ensure that the service will best meet the needs of our children in the future.