Hero photograph
Photo by Maungaraki School


Maungaraki School —

Pick up Pies on Thursday


Thank you to all of the families that ordered pies for our your 5 & 6 Camp Fundraiser.  Pies will be delivered to school on Thursday 4 July and can be picked up from the staffroom from 2:30pm onwards.


We are incredibly lucky, 2 wonderful authors have donated copies of their latest books to the Maungaraki School Library.

Lachlan Brill from Room 11 has just finished writing : "The dragon defenders".
Lachlan Meehan also from Room 11 donated :"Dylan Browne and the lost sun".

We will process these amazing books and they will be ready to be borrowed on Monday.  We even got signed copies!  We wish these 2 great authors all the best in their writing career.


A reminder about our library books, we have had a few books returned to the wrong place, either to us or the War Memorial library.

We are aware it can be very easy to confuse which books belong to the Maungaraki school Library and which belong to the Hutt city library.  Here is an easy trick - the ones belonging to Maungaraki School library should have a barcode or spine label with our name on it.  We also have several great books from the National Library of New Zealand in the classrooms, these should not be going home, but if they do by mistake see the pictures attached of what the labels look like so you can send them back our way, or to the right place.

Any questions please let Julz or Mrs Long know.  We will get library books back into the library before the school holidays for a mid-year inventory.  


Here are the closing dates for the Scholastic Book Club orders to the end of 2019.  To place an order go to www.scholastic.co.nz - > Parents -> Lucky book club.

Issues 5 - 9 August 
Issue 6 - 13 September
Issue 7 - 8 November
Issue 8 - 2 December


Tomorrow is our school Passion Day where children will be doing different activities that they have selected.  The weather is looking great so we are all set for an exciting day.  We will be sharing photos and stories at assembly next week.  

Those that are going on the walk need to bring good walking shoes (and spare shoes in case they get wet), warm clothes, a drink bottle and a good amount of food.  


We will again be putting the lost property rack out during the last week of school.  The lost property is kept in the office area, we still have sets of togs left over from swimming in term 1 along with clothing, lunch box containers and drink bottles.  

Please name all items so we can return lost property to students.


Our HuttFest performance is coming up next Wednesday 3rd July.  The plan for the evening is for students to arrive at school by 4.20pm to be on the bus at 4.45pm.  Students need to arrive wearing the correct clothing as advised.

The show begins at 6pm and we are scheduled to perform 3rd on the night. Doors open at 5.30pm and there will be parking available on the netball courts.  The show is scheduled to finish at 8pm.

Tickets for the show are now on sale at Walter Nash Centre reception desk for $5 each.


Influenza (flu) is a virus that spreads quickly from person to person. It can be spread through the air by coughing and sneezing as well as by hands, cups and other objects that have been in contact with an infected person’s mouth or nose.

The following information will help reduce the spread of influenza and assist your school: 

1. Make sure everyone covers their mouth and nose with tissues when coughing and sneezing.
2. Make sure students & staff with symptoms stay at home until they are well and free of symptoms.
3. Wash your hands regularly and remind children to do this.
4. Clean surfaces that are touched often (door handles, bench tops, toilets bathroom areas). 

Attached is an information sheet with more details.