Hero photograph
Photo by Maungaraki School


Shane Robinson —

Tuesday 30th July & Wednesday 31st July

In Week 2 we would like to meet with our learners and their families to discuss their progress so far this year and set some goals for the remainder of the year. These meetings will also give you an opportunity to ask any questions about the reports that came home at the end of last term.

Why Maungaraki sees goal setting as important... Goal setting helps students and teachers to be clear on what the expectation is to achieve. Setting Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, Timely (SMART) goals allows students to have a clear focus around what they are trying to accomplish.

For most students, goal setting is more effective in the context of ‘next steps in learning’ rather than very broad, long term goals. At Maungaraki this means that students should be aware of what they are working on, and given time to reflect about what they can do to achieve their goals.

It's important for students to develop self-assessment skills so that they are able to set their own goals. Goals that are set for students by the teacher do not have the same level of student ownership. With this in mind students will need a degree of scaffolding to ensure that they are making appropriate next steps for themselves. Our aim is to have students setting smart goals.

So what’s your part in the process? Talking to your child/ren about their goals is an important part of students reaching them. Regular information around student’s goals will come out. Try to discuss what steps your child/ren are doing to achieve these. Lots of positive conversations around goals and their persistence around striving to achieve them will be an important motivator.

Three Way Conference Please note this is only a 15 min meeting, so be prompt. If you would like more time with the classroom teacher you will need to schedule this in with them at a different date.

A break down of the 15 min interviews

● Students will have the opportunity to share progress on their goals and successes.

● The teacher will share information around the first half of the year.

● Together goals will be set for the remainder of the year.

● Discussion and question time.

Book If you haven't already done so please book a 15 min slot time for your goal setting meeting using the following link: https://www.schoolinterviews.co.nz/
Choose: Make A Booking
Type in the code: zt7d7

We look forward to seeing you. 

Shane Robinson