Maungaraki School — Mar 21, 2019

Significant Property Projects

Dear Parents/Caregivers,

We’re very pleased to announce major progress on two significant property projects at our school, with funding for four new classrooms being secured and the school’s Hard Surfaces and Drainage project progressing later this year.

Combined with other works over the last 2-3 years, this represents an investment of over $3 Million into Maungaraki School as we progress plans to grow, refresh, modernise and rejuvenate our school.

Four new classrooms coming

We’re very excited to announce the Ministry of Education has approved funding for four new classrooms at Maungaraki School. 

As many will be aware, we have experienced significant roll growth over the last few years. Our school has been growing as our community changes; a greater number of families are moving into our area and this has placed significant pressure on our classrooms and infrastructure.

While we welcomed the investment of a new classroom and conversion of our old school library into two classrooms (and moving the library into another space) in 2017-2018, it has been clear for some time that the roll growth would likely continue, and this would not be sufficient.

The school’s Board and Principal have been working with the Ministry of Education over the last 2 years to ensure our community’s longer-term needs are met. While it has been a long process, we’re really happy with the result – 4 additional new classrooms for our school.

While the details of placement and timeframe for these classrooms is still being worked through, it’s likely we’ll see one modular (relocatable) classroom being placed onsite within the next 3 months to meet short-term requirements, with 3 other classrooms being built and placed onsite over the next 12-18 months.

We will keep our community informed as details are finalised.

Major drainage and hard surfaces upgrade progressing

We’re also very excited to announce significant progress in the Maungaraki School Hard Surfaces Project, with a major phase set to proceed later this year.

We’ve been working for some time on a major upgrade of the hard surfaces around our school, with ongoing fundraising by our awesome Home and School team and other funds being put aside each year for this important project.

This project has been combined with a major repair and upgrade needed to the school’s drainage systems, largely as a result of root damage from the large tree but also to ensure adequate infrastructure for our growing school.

The overall hard surfaces project has been broken into five phases, with the second (and largest) phase proceeding this year (hopefully in the July school holidays):

• Phase 1: Improved ramps and pathways to meet special needs [Complete]
Phase 2: Re-surface of school central area (and major drainage works)
• Phase 3: New seated area incl. fencing, wind-break fences and shading
• Phase 4: Additional decking and seating
• Phase 5: Additional shading

The second phase will proceed this year, with the remaining work happening progressively over the next 3-4 years as funding and other resources allow.

Phase 2: Re-surface of school central area (and major drainage works)

This second phase, proceeding this year, includes the following works:

1. Removal of the large tree
2. Repair of pipes and other major drainage works
3. Resurfacing the school central area with modern and safe play surfaces

The overall budget for this work is approximately $200 000, with just under half going to the drainage and pipe work.  

The new surfacing will include replacing the main netball court with a modern multi-use rubber surface. This surface is perfect for netball, soccer and other sports. 

The remaining concrete from the edge of the grass section (outside the staffroom) right through to the other end of the school will also be replaced with a modern surface. The final surface type is being determined currently, but likely a combination of artificial turf and matting.

As mentioned above, the total budget for this phase of the project is around $200,000. This has been met through a combination of:

• Significant fundraising over the last 3 years by the community, led and coordinated by the awesome Home and School team.
• Funds raised and put aside each year by the school (e.g. a portion of school donations and other funds).
• A major contribution from the Ministry of Education through the school’s 5-yearly capital maintenance budget (primarily covering the drainage and pipework aspect of the project).

Essentially, this phase has been made possible due to the generous support of our community, a huge effort from Home and School committee over a prolonged period, and prudent fiscal management of the school over a long period of time.  

Phase 3: New seated area including fencing, wind-break fences and shading

This phase establishes a nice seated area in the space where the large tree is currently (this is being removed as part of the second phase, due to significant pipe damage from its roots).

This includes:

• Two wind-blocking fences at either end of this area (including gates)
• 2x high-durability sails (or equivalent) to provide shading
• Seating/tables

The tentative budget for this phase is $25 000. It is hoped that this phase can progress in 2020-2021, however this will necessitate community fundraising.

Phase 4: Additional decking and seating

This phase includes the building of a new deck along the north-west classrooms.  This is intended to occur as part of a redevelopment of these classrooms (including creating entrances into the main central area of the school) funded through the school’s capital maintenance budget.

The tentative budget for this phase is approximately $65 000, including decking, seating and planter boxes.  

Phase 5: Additional shading

The final phase of this overall project is the creation of additional shading over the decking and seating created in Phase 4 via the erection of 6 sails.

The tentative cost of this phase is $35,000 - $40,000.  The order and timing of phases 3-5 will be determined by the Board of Trustees as funding and resources become available, with most being funded via a mix of community fundraising and school/ministry contributions.

The overall project will rejuvenate and significantly upgrade the outside areas of our school; creating a modern, safe environment our community can be proud of and that will contribute in a large way to our children’s education.  

We’re really excited these projects are progressing this year – a lot of work has gone into all of this over several years. Please don’t hesitate to contact the school or Board of Trustees for more information.

Kind regards,

Paul Matthews
Maungaraki School Board of Trustees