Maungaraki School — Aug 4, 2021

Term 3


Regional Public Health have provided us with an information sheet called 'Winter Illnesses & RSV' which provides information for parents and caregivers.  Please see the attached document for details.


Scholastic issue 5 is out now and has been given out to our students.  All orders need to be completed online.  We will close this issues on Friday 13 August at 3pm.


We have had some concerns raised from residents and other road users regarding parking around the school. Some of the behaviour from drivers is putting children at risk. Please park responsibly and ensure when you do drop off or pick up you are stopped in a car park not across a driveway or bus stop. Thank you for your support and cooperation in keeping your children safe.


Please ensure your child has a spare change of clothes in their bag in case they get wet or dirty. We have had many requests for spare clothes and only have very limited amounts available.


The term dates for 2022 are close to being agreed on and we will share these with you in our next newsletter.  

As we start to plan for next year it is helpful to know of the children due to start at Maungaraki School.  If you have a child who is due to start, or know of someone who has a child due to start school here please ask them to either complete the online enrolment from our website, or contact the office and let us know.