Hero photograph
Photo by Maungaraki School


Shane Robinson —

Friday 29th June 2018

Paid Union Meetings

Primary school Teachers and Principals have been invited to attend further paid union meetings.  Teachers will be off site attending their meeting on Friday 29th June 2018 from 2pm.

What does this mean for our families?

We would appreciate it if you could pick your children up from lunchtime at 12:50pm on Friday 29 June.  Please sign your child out with your classroom teacher when you collect them, or at the school office if you collect them after this time.

For safety reasons we cannot send children home unaccompanied.  You will need to collect them from school.

If you are unable to collect your child / children the school will remain open.  We will have staff on site to supervise.

MASC will be open

Maungaraki After School Care will be open from 12:45pm on Friday 29th June for any children that usually attend.  Please let the staff know in advance if you are going to take up this offer.