Hero photograph
Photo by Maungaraki School


Maungaraki School —

Week 4


School swimming will be in weeks 9 & 10 of this term.  If you have yet to complete the Swimming Abilities Signmee, please do so asap.  This information will help us group your child so they get the best support they can during swimming lessons. 


During the winter months some of our children get wet and muddy while playing at break times.  Many of them don't have spare clothes in their bag.  

Please send your child to school with a spare set of clothes, so if they do get wet they are able to get changed in to their own clothing.  We do have spares at school however it's a limited supply. If you do have any smaller size pants or shorts you are able to donate to school, we would gratefully accept these.  If your child has arrived home in spare clothes from school, please return these and pop some spare clothes in their bag.  


We continually get complaints from the residents living close to our school regarding inappropriate parking at pick up and drop off time.  Do not park over driveways, on yellow lines or in dangerous positions that may cause issues for residents or the safety of our students.  We have spoken with council and they will monitor the area and issue tickets if necessary.