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by Aroha Stewart

Farewell Glenys

Maryn Austin - May 9, 2023

On Friday 5th of May, the Mayfield School farewelled Glenys Donnelly

Greetings to Mayfield School children, Mayfield School Staff, Board of Trustees, Home and School and parents.

Thank you everyone so much for your contribution to my final farewell. It was a lovely occasion and I appreciate the time and effort that went into it. A lot of organisation would have happened behind the scenes.

Thank you to all who spoke, especially to the children who took part on stage. It was great to hear your memories of my time at Mayfield. I have so many memories of children and events and it was good to be reminded of some I had forgotten.

To the children sitting in front – it was great to see all your smiling faces and waves. I loved having you come and speak to me and giving me hugs. It was so special.

I will treasure my cloak. It is very special. A lot of effort went into the making of the feathers for the cloak and the sewing and pinning of feathers onto the material. The lovely art work from the Ruapuna children is very special too. A bunch of flowers that will not need watering or any special care. Thank you for your waiata. It was lovely to see and hear, especially those parts of Toia Mai that I know some of you enjoy. Well done for knowing your words and actions. Thank you too, for the Mayfield School drawing. That is also special. Mayfield School has been a big part of my life and it is great to have the drawing.

Thank you to all those involved in putting together the picture gallery in the supper room. That would have taken a lot of effort and time as well. I really needed another hour there to take it all in. I’m just sorry that I did not think to take a photo of it all. The food was also impressive.

Thank you to everyone who was able to take the time to attend the afternoon. It was lovely to speak to so many of you. If I didn’t get a chance to speak to you, thank you for coming.

Thank you all again
