Hero photograph
Photo by Urmi Shah

Mahuta Week 9

Urmi Shah —

Only 2 weeks to go.......

Student Led Conferences

We have been preparing for our Student Led Conferences over the week. We will be holding these on Monday 27th and Tuesday 28th June.

Students will lead their conference so they have the opportunity to celebrate their learning with you. It will last approximately 20 minutes.

Please ensure that you only book one time for your child’s conference with your child’s Whānau Teacher.

They are available to book online at https://www.schoolinterviews.co.nz

Enter School Code 4ru4e.

Writing Our writing last week was linked to our Big Idea, which focused on school in the 1950's.

Maths We have a big focus on learning timetables at the moment. Please help your child to learn these at home if they do not know them, starting with 2x, 5x, 10x before moving onto 3x, 4x etc.

Speeches The children should have completed writing their speeches now. It is important that they practise presenting these. They will be sharing these with their whanau class in the last week of this term. Our speech competition will be held in Term 3 on Friday 29th July, at 11am.

Cycle Safety Week 1 in Term 3 sees the Year 6 children taking part in the Cycle Safety programme. A letter will be coming home later this week. Please ensure that your child's bike is road worthy and they have a suitable helmet to wear in preparation for this.

This is Ms DR's last week at school as she leaves for her 10 week sabbatical. We wish well for this time and hope that she has time to rest and recuperate.

Have a good week,


Urmi, Peri and Geoff