Skiing Trip!
This year we were lucky enough to be able to go to Porters for our amazing Ski Trip! In my opinion everyone in year 7/8 loved it!
Our Year 7/8 students were lucky enough to be able to go to Porters Ski Field to have a day of snowy fun!
We all got an hour and a half lesson on how to ski, the rest of the day was ours to ski away.
The ski field was fun for everyone, even if you’ve never skied before, I have to admit I was rather frightened of the looming mountain, even if I had been skiing a hundred times before. But a bit later on, I loved it. I forgot how much I missed the cold icy air whipping against my face and the satisfying feeling of getting air time on the big jumps. This may not sound like paradise or the ideal ski trip, but I had a ball.
Sometimes the snow would catch you out and you would fall or slip and end up on the smooth ground, but in my opinion, that's all part of it. I think that this year’s ski trip was one of the best skiing experiences that I have had ever in my life. That's saying a lot as well because at my old school we would go skiing every week because the mountain was just next door.
So, if you're a Year 6 and worried about Year 7, don’t be, Year 7/8 is an amazing experience, don’t fret look forward to it. Skiing is awesome.