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Photo by Mary Johnston

Adult ESOL classes start at Merrin!

Mary Johnston —

On Friday 5th June the Adult ESOL classes started at Merrin School for the parents of our ESOL students. 

Our tutor,  Peter Johnson, has had considerable experience overseas teaching adults how to speak English. This class is an open class and all parents who would like to practise conversational English are most welcome. The class is from 1.30 until 3.00 on a Friday afternoon and the tutor fees are $7.50 for the session. If you are interested in joining this class  please would you contact Mrs J. on maryjohnston@merrin.school.nz

Merrin 开办成人ESOL课程六月五号周五,为学生父母开办的ESOL课程在Merrin School 成功开办。资深教师Peter Johnson先生具有教授海外成人英语的丰富经验。当日课程是公开课,所有愿意练习英语对话的家长均可参加。课程时间为下午1:30至3:00,费用$7.50。如果您有兴趣加入课程,请致函maryjohnston@merrin .school.nz