Week 5 in Pataitai Pod

Tania Gallagher —

We had such a great time on Friday. Well done to all our Year 4 Students for such a sporting Athletics afternoon. Here are the notices for this week.

School Hats

It is compulsory in Term 4 to wear a sunhat. Unfortunately, there are still a few children who do not have one. Please ensure you get one over the weekend so your child does not miss out on play times. Children who do not have a hat have to sit under the umbrellas during lunch and play times.

Show day: Friday 11th November. Please remember that school will be closed.

Wednesday 16th November: Science/ Technology Challenge           

A notice came home last week about our Science/Technology Challenge Evening. The evening runs from 5.00 to 6.30pm. Please keep the notices coming in so we can organise a fantastic evening for your children. We have spaces for up to 40 children in groups of 4. We require parental support (1 per group) and a cost of $5 per child. 

Monday 21 November: School Vision-Parent Consultation Meeting, 6.30pm in the hall. This is a chance for you to come and share your thoughts about developing our school vision and values. Further details to come!

Beach Ed 

Please look out for the Beach Education notice which will be coming home this week. We will need a high student, adult ratio, so if you are able to help please return the slip asap. Unfortunately, we will have to cancel the trip if we do not get enough support. Rm 18 - 7th December, Rm 17 - 8th December and Rm 19 - 9th December.

Have a great short week!

Ngā mihi nui

Tania, Nicky and Hannah