Hero photograph
Photo by Nicky Hebberd

Term 2 Week 9

Nicky Hebberd —

The term is flying by! Only 2 weeks to go until the students are on holidays.

This week we have had Judy Bockett working with us while Ms Gallagher has been off. We should have Ms Gallagher back to school next week.

Student Led Interviews

We have been preparing for our Student Led Interviews over the week.  We will be holding the interviews on Monday 27th and Tuesday 28th June.  

Students will lead their interviews so they have the opportunity to share their learning with you. The teacher will be there to facilitate with the children if they need help and each interview will last 20 minutes.

The students will follow a format which they will have prepared in advance.  If there is any area of concern regarding your child’s learning you would like to discuss further with the teacher, please make a separate time.  

These Student Led Interviews are to be positive and encouraging for the students.

Please ensure that you only book one time for your child’s interview with your child’s Whānau Teacher.  

Interviews are available to book online at https://www.schoolinterviews.co.nz

Enter School Code 4ru4e for interviews


Our maths focus for the last few weeks of term are to finish off Area and move onto Angle. Please ensure students are supporting this learning at home by working within Measurement on IXL.


Most children are continuing with the speech writing and preparing to share their speech with Pataitai in the last week of term. We encourage the children to spend some time on these at home.


We will continue to work on aspects of reading comprehension. This is a focus that will remain across the year. Please support your child at home by listening to them read and asking them questions about the stories.

Te Kotiritiri Challenges

If your child is taking part in these challenges, please remind them to bring them in and show us how they are getting on. They must complete 10 challenges by the end of Term 3.


We have decided that children will keep their devices at home for the rest of this term. However, the school devices will be back in use at specific times from Monday onwards. We want to ensure that devices are used responsibly and we believe a staggered return to devices alongside many conversations and learning around digital citizenship is the best way forward.

Have a great weekend,

Nicky, Hannah and Tania