Week 6 Reminders and Notices

Tania Gallagher —

We had a great start to this week with our visit to the North New Brighton Beach on Monday and Tuesday. See our article about our visit on our Pataitai/Mahuta Publication.

Next week will be another busy week as we continue to build on our routines and the children become more familiar with our transitions between spaces. Self management will be a vital part of this learning to make it smooth and beneficial for all our students.

Responsible User Agreements/Digital License Forms

A lot of parents have not circled the permission to use Google Apps for education. We are reminding parents about this. If you do not contact us regarding consent to this then we will assume permission is granted.

To support learning at home:

Maths - Addition and Subtraction on IXL. You can be getting your child set up on IXL at Year 4 to practice these skills.

Writing  - We are continuing our Poetic writing. This week we completed and published our first poem about the beach. Feel free to ask you child about their poem.

Reading - Please keep checking in with your child about their reading. Some children are not getting a new book everyday however, children need to be reading at home each day. The books that do come home have been specifically taught to your child so it is a seen text with comprehension as the focus. You can also ask your child about their Library books and books of interest. 

Digital Citizenship - This week during our DC session we talked about using the Traffic Light System for understanding which sites are appropriate for us to visit. Attached is some extra information for you and your child to look at together.


Please contact your Whānau Teacher if you have any concerns around your child. We have a process for this line of communication and we are able to help you with any questions you may have.

All late children must be signed in at the office when they arrive. We have a lot of children who are coming in after the roll has been taken and then the office are having to chase us to see if they have arrived.  If you are taking your child early you must sign out of the office first.

Logins for Reading Eggs have gone home this week so please check your child's folder for the details.

Our IXL logins are active and you are able to access these at home now. Waimakariri children have had their logins sent home as a reminder of these.

Upcoming Events

Whanau Hui - Wednesday 8th March, 6 - 7.30pm in the hall. 

Hiwi the Kiwi - Show on Thursday 9th March in the hall.

Have a great weekend

Tania, Nicky and Vanessa