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Merrin School Ngā Whetū Kohara

Ethan and David  by Hannah Minty

Year 4 Camp Experience! 

Hannah Minty - March 2, 2016

A day at Blue Skies Camp... 

On Wednesday the  very excited Year 4 team travelled to Kaiapoi Blue Skies to join the Year 5 and 6's for a camp experience! 

We began the morning with a Scavenger Hunt. Children buddied up into mixed teams to search for the items on their list. Afterward students were able to challenge themselves on the Adventure Playground. Some children climbed trees while others went on rope swings. 

After lunch the Middle Stars set off to the Kaiapoi Swimming Pool. They were able to choose from swimming or battling their peers on the inflatable tug of war! 

After the busy day the bus ride back to Merrin School was very quiet. We had a fantastic time exploring and challenging ourselves alongside the Year 5 and 6 team. The Year 4's are certainly looking forward to their opportunity to go to School Camp! 

- Recount written by the Pataitai Pod