Hero photograph
Photo by Urmi Shah

The week ahead -Week 7

Urmi Shah —

I'm not sure where the weeks are going, time sure is flying.

I hear that the children were very well behaved at the Swimming competition last Wednesday. Congratulations to Jason, Cooper, AJ, Chloe, Katy and Woo Jin who have made it through to the North West Zone competition.

Last week, we farewelled the lovely Shoka, who is returning to Japan for the rest of the year due to her dad's work. We look forward to her return in 2017.

The Te Kotiritiri challenges were sent home last week. We would ask you to encourage your child to take part in these, as these encompass our Merrin School Values and the National Curriculum Key Competencies. There is a slight change to the challenges this year based on feedback received from students and parents. There are now only 10 challenges and they are to be completed by the end of Term 3.

The children will be participating in Cross Country at Burnside Park on 8th April. There was a notice sent  home this week. You are welcome to come along to encourage your child on the 2km route.

Just a reminder to support your child to complete their IXL home learning as there are still many children not do so. It has been shown to consolidate their learning and raise achievement.

Wednesday 16th March - Whanau Hui 

Have a great week,

Kind Regards

Urmi Shah, Peri Marks and Geoff Wallis