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Principal's message

Lisa Dillon-Roberts —

Thank you for your support yesterday as our teachers and I stood up for what we believe needs to happen in education, which is to address the sector's concerns for adequate resourcing and time to complete our important work.

There have as always been many achievements completed by our students over the past fortnight.  Special congratulations to those Year 3-8 students who have represented our school in the zone cross country races.

Our choir is busy preparing for the North West music festival which is happening on June 25th.  In time, tickets will be available from our school office. This is always a great evening, showcasing lots of fabulous talent.

Our Cantamaths teams are busy practising with Matua Peri and Jane Lennon from Westburn school at after-school sessions.  Good work team ......tension builds.

Board elections are upon us.  This is an important part of school life as you as parents will be asked to select three board members to take on the school governance role for a three-year term.  I wish the four candidates well and am so very pleased to see interest in this important role.  Papers will be posted out to your home, please don't forget to vote!

I hope you will also get in behind the PTA's 'spell-a-thon'.  I know a lot of work has gone into testing children and preparing the packs.  If you have any queries then please email them at pta@merrin.school.nz

There is another chance to enjoy your little people's company tomorrow and on Monday as we head into Friday's Teacher Only Day and Monday's Public Holiday.

Enjoy your time together and keep safe.

Kind regards
