Ritz Gonzaga — Dec 15, 2015

DOB: 22nd May 2002 Came to Merrin in: Year 3

My favourite saying is:
If you can’t do great things do small things in a great way.

My hobbies are:
Playing tennis, singing, dancing.

How people will remember me:
People will remember me for being sassy and a drama queen.

My favourite memories from Merrin are:
My best memory was when I went to my first ever school camp in 2012. We went up to Kaipio Blue Skies Campsite. The first day was the best because we played spotlight at night and also we had a talent show. That night my bunk room had a lollie scramble and we got into trouble because it was already past time. One of the best part was when Mrs McCallum dressed up as Colonel Klinkenhoffer who inspects the rooms everyday if it's clean or messy.

My second best memory was on 2013 when I found out that I got to perform at the Cultural Festival with my korean dance group. I was really excited because that was my first time to ever perform in front of thousands of people in one big arena. In the end of the performance I was really happy and proud that I finished my performance.

My third best memory was at 2013 when we had the big year 5 & 6 school production. On the day of the production I still had my chicken pox scars which was really weird to look at although I still had lots of fun performing.

My fourth best memory was having a big water fight with Room 13 and Room 15 in 2013. It was really fun because we got to wet Mr Ford with big water blaster. In the end of the water fight I had really sore feet because I kept stepping on small pieces of rocks.

My fifth best memory was when I was in Room 8 and I performed in my first ever school production. I got to be one of the birds that flew around the trees. At the end of the performance, I felt very proud of myself that I completed my goal of performing.

When I grow up I think I will be: A tennis player