Hero photograph
Photo by Alana

Principal's Message

Lisa Dillon-Roberts —

Brendon from Room 20 proudly wears his Grandad's war medals to our Anzac Day service at the end of last term.  Thank you for your pride and enthusiasm Brendon.

I hope you all had a relaxing school break. I know that the weather being next to perfect made for great family days out and about.  It is lovely seeing our children looking smart in their winter school uniforms.  Please remember that school shoes are not coloured trainers/sneakers.  School shoes must be black, brown or navy.

A special welcome to our new students and whānau. We hope you can join us tomorrow for our mihi whakatau.  We hold one  each term to welcome new students and whanau.  

Congratulations to Becky Bailey and her husband Andrew who are expecting their first child later in the year.  Becky will be leaving us to start her maternity leave at the end of this term.  When we have found a fantastic replacement teacher, I will be in touch with Room 22 families. 

The Pupil Council, with the support of the PTA, are holding a movie night this Friday.  Families are invited to bring their children and buy refreshments. The movie being played is 'The Minions' and the money raised from the sale of drinks and snacks goes toward the Year 8 Star Week, held in December.

Can I please remind families that school starts at 8.55am not 9am.  It is really important for our students to have a little bit of 'lead in' time to 8.55am, arriving somewhere between 8.30 and 8.45am to get ready for learning.

Happy Mother's Day on Sunday - I hope you get a nice lie in and have a lovely day.

Kind regards
