Hero photograph
The Tower of London
Photo by Urmi Shah

The Tower of London

Urmi Shah —

Commemorating the lives of the brave, 100 years since World War 1.

Inspired by the amazing image above, Room 18 wrote poems using metaphors and similes.

Poppies Poppies are like
a river of sadness.
Their ruby redness.
The soldiers are like leaves
falling from a tree
fighting for their country.
The poppies flowed beautifully
like a waterfall.
flowed like the sea.
The remembrance spilled
against the crimson.

By Aida

The Poppies
The bright scarlet poppies,
Lay on the ground,
Like a sea of blood.
Each one representing
A body of a soldier,
Who lost their life in war.
The air was filled with silence
To show the respect
To those who lost their lives.
Some would even say
They were legends.
By Alysia

The Sea of Red by Arjun

The soldiers fought with pride.
In a ocean of red.
Fighting for freedom.
A cascading red waterfall 
Flowing with bravery and honour
Into a scarlet river.
A huge tower over this scarlet river.
Tourists gather filled with sad memories.

London Poppy Field
As a swarm of people and bravery
Spilled round the castle.
With hope it will never happen again.
As a waterfall of honour and sadness
Came rushing down the tower wall.
As the shadows of the brave
Heroic soldiers are still alive
In our hearts.
People are grateful
That 100 years ago,
Some brave soldiers
Came back alive,
or some people
would not be here today.
By Isabella

The Brave by Ben
In the rose red poppy fields
The seriously brave soldiers
Fell to the ground
Like snowflakes from the sky
Fighting with pride for their country.
The rose red Poppy's flowing out of the window
Flooding around the tower
Glistening in the sun.

 Swarm of Poppies
Bravery cascaded out of the window.
Scarlet flowed like a rushing waterfall.
Rubies formed a rushing sea.
Crimson from every angle.
People stared and cried with remembrance.
By Ella 

War By Finlay
The battle began.
Blood thirsty for victory.
The soldiers were fighting with pride.
As the soldiers fell,their luck fell.
The red sea of glittering poppies
Remember them
Their souls will remember us.
The dripping rosy red poppies
Are like a sea of blood
Where the soldiers died in sadness.
Their brains still remembered
The life before the war.

Brave Men by Harrison
A sea of blood
flows through the valley
as brave men fall.
Grief spreads
throughout the land
as the death toll rises.
What has been taken
can not be replaced
but we should pay our respects
to those who died of bravery
commemorated by a single poppy.

The Brave by Harry
The pride of fighting for his country.
Felt like a river of sadness.
Their bodies fell as the shattered soldier's heart.
Pounded against the ground of.
Scarlet poppies.
The ruby red bravery was deeply shown.
In the detailed china with memories people's.
Tears rush down their faces.
The memories.
Shattered their hearts.

The Tower of London's poppies
By Helen
As a splash of light glowed in the dawn sky,
The Tower of London remembers the death
And carnage of the deadly war.
The sea of poppies,
Crimson red with the blood of the courageous soldiers,
Guard the royal queens treasure.
Shimmering and glistening with bravery.
Courage and sadness.
Each poppy stands with pride of each soldier's memory ,
Glad to serve and defend their country.
As dawn broke,
A young girl stands in the lonely street,
Gazing at the cascading scarlet waterfall
And the sea of ruby,
Honouring and remembering those who sacrificed their lives.

The Tower
The massive tower
Standing tall
Like a colourful pyramid
The beautiful waterfall
Like a falling river
All the red poppies on the ground
Like a big rose field
The river of blood
Filled with shimmering red
By Jae Young


Poppies of The Tower of London
The soldiers fought heroically,
In the glistening ruby river,
Fell like a snowflake from the sky,
Pounded onto the hard cold ground,
Fighting for their country.
The Tower of London,
With the precious rubies and gems of the queen,
Scarlet cascaded out the window,
And around the castle was a pool of crimson,
Full of the soldiers pride.
People milling around,
Taking photos of the rose red sea,
Remembering and commemorating,
The soldiers who fought with courage,
And lost their lives.
By Jhetro

Tower of London by Joana
As the sadness floats
in the beautiful ruby river,
The glistening cherries
Keep spilling out of the windows.
People crowding around the
Sea of bravery.
Whilst others are still fighting for their fantastic countries.

Poppy field
As their bravery fell to the ground It went silent.
Quiet as an empty room
They fought for their country Courageously.
Cherry red poppies crushed.
As the soldiers fell.
People looking upon the crimson Poppies.
As they cascade down the wall.
By Jood Almutairi 

The Brave
By Josh
Poppies are as red as rubies
Like a cherry red waterfall.
Each one represents every person
That lost their lives in the horrible war
Or got badly injured.
We will remember them
Because they risked
Their lives for us.

Poppy field
By Joy Su
A waterfall of red velvet,
Flowing down the windows of the Tower of London.
The sea of delicate cherry red,
Shimmering in the hot rays of the sun.
The memory of the brave soldiers ,
Who fought in the war,
Flooded through my mind,
Like a river flowing to the sea.
The silence was like a fog,
Over the people looking,
At the peaceful and beautiful poppies,
That gracefully glide side to side in the wind.

Poppies by Kimberley
Bravery spilled like a waterfall of sadness
They are redder than a red cherry
It was a swarm of ruby red beautifulness
It were a red river of pride
It was a red gazing sight of sadness.

Scarlett River
As a swarm of people
Surrounded the river of scarlet.
The glistening cherries
Filled with sadness,
As bravery spilled everywhere.
The waterfall cascading down,
Flowing with pride.
The Tower of London
Standing tall in the middle.
By Natalie

Gushing poppies were spreading like the sea.
Poppies are like
The blood of a soldiers
Who were fighting in the war.
The poppies were cascading through the battle field,
Brave soldiers were walking
To the enemies to fight.
The people can feel the sadness
For the soldiers who died.
By Nazuna

The Brave by Phoenix
A crimson sea bed full of majestic poppies.
Glistening shadows are heroic ghosts of courage.
Blood dripping from above is a dream of sadness.
The soldiers had trust and honour.
They fought with pride and bravery.
Spilling cherry red desaster rivers of blood.
Heroes hit the ground like leaves falling from the ground.
Remember those brave hearts that died in the war.

Brave by Rihari
A ruby red river of Poppies
Soldiers falling like snowflakes
In the winter snow.
We Remember the heroic soldiers
That fought in the war.
The sea of diamond red
Flowing on the side of the swarm of poppies.

Poppies by Sara
Crimson light glistened
Below their feet.
A ocean of ruby
Shimmering under the light creating a shadow of soldiers
Marching away.
The cascading waterfall of scarlet
Cast a shadow.
Poppies flowing around the tower
Like a river moving swiftly
A swarm of bravery
Surrounded the Tower
Poppies standing with pride.

The whispering voices
Danced around the scarlet river
Tears welled in their eyes
As the brave soldiers battled
For their country
Remembering their last option
Kill or be killed.
By Susie 

Poppies by Tara
Beneath the castle lay a pool of crimson
The poppies as red as the fallen soldiers blood
Heroism cascaded out the window to the sea below
Sadness filled the air as the delicate scarlet lake glistened in the sunlight
The soldiers fell in pride of their country and are now remembered
By the honour of guarding the Queen’s Crown Jewels.

Poppies by Anahera
Poppies are like a sky full of sadness
Their rosy redness.
Soldiers were like leaves,
Falling from a tree
Fighting for their country.
While people are standing around
The beautiful river of red,
With brave soldiers falling one by one.

One for All
The swift river of Crimson curves and twists
Around the towers grounds.
The memories of those who died,
Shimmer in the ruby red sea of grief
Out of the tower door floods
The thoughts and minds
Of those who lost their lives in the war.
Silence fills the air
As each one of those soldiers
Is remembered.
All that was lost
All that was taken
Is now commemorated by a single poppy.
By William

The Poppies by Yu Cheol

The dripping scarlet waterfall.
The falling brave covered the floor.
The beautiful scarlet was like a bright rose.
It was like a lake covered with crimson.
Sadness is falling down to the ground.