Growth Mindset and how it helps us learn....

Tania Gallagher —

A growth mindset is the understanding that personal qualities and abilities can change. It leads students to take on challenges, persevere when things get hard, and become more effective learners.

At the start of this term we asked the children "What is a Growth Mindset?"

These are their thoughts:

Learning from your mistakes - Josh/Margaret

Never giving up - Takuya

Brain gets stronger - Ishani

Mistakes are not a bad things - Wesley

Doing your best - Matthew

Trying new things out and seeing how difficult it is - James

Learn more - Phoebe

Problem solving - Nadia

Putting yourself up to a challenge - Maisie

Don’t fail from your mistakes - Rachel

Past mistakes makes your brain stronger - Ethan Z

If you have a goal, try to achieve it even if it doesn’t go your way - Josh

Put careful effort into your work so you feel proud - Namiko

Don’t give up - David

Don’t give up - Tyler

Knowing that mistakes are part of learning - Jayden

Keeping on trying - Coco

When you make mistakes, your brain grows - Ryan L

Try your best - Hiroto

Learning from your mistakes so your brain grows stronger - Fabian

If you keep making mistakes, you keep trying and your brain works smarter - Amie

Persevere so you will get smarter - Charlotte

Keep on growing your mind until you can do lots of things - Neela

Don’t think that mistakes are bad for you - they are good for your brain - Seika

Your brain gets bigger when you persevere so you get smarter - Ethan C

Perseverance - Anahera

When you make mistakes you get smarter - Tillie

If you make a mistake, you can go back and see where you made the mistake and change it - Samantha P

Don’t say I can’t do it, and don’t give up - Samantha S

If you fail, keep trying - Jun

When you keep on trying your brain is exercised more - Zach

Your mind is like a set and you have to try and build it up - Annabelle

When you persevere you get smarter - Petra

I have to practice to get better - Liam

Focus on my learning - Ric