Student Values Leaders Applications CLOSE NEXT WEEK
Our 2024 Student Values Leaders Applications to all Year 6 and Year 7 students close next week, Friday 4th November.
Please read the following information and keep an eye out on the school notices, newsletters and communications about any updates around this.
Each applicant will need to put together an application for the position of a Values Leader in one or more of the following teams: Manaakitanga, Rangatiratanga, Ako, Whanaungatanga or Kaitiakitanga. (You can apply for more than one Value).
There is a job description attached to the application information to give you an idea of what your role will entail.
You can use whatever format you like e.g. Google Slides, movie, poster, letter, speech… be creative!
The timeline is as follows for applications:
Week 1 - Applications Open - launched through a presentation by some of the existing leaders. Discussions in class about what each role means. Information out to parents
Week 2 and 3 - Time to work on your applications. Workshops made available to support applications
Week 3 and 4 - Get feedback on your application from teachers/s, parent/s and peers
End of Week 4 - All values applications are due by Friday 3rd November- please send these to Ms Gallagher (
Week 5 - Class conversations about voting/not voting for friends, but for whoever you think will do a good job. Staff and student votes collated
Week 6 - Final decisions made
Week 9 -T-shirts presented at Gala Night
What to include in your application as an idea, but please feel free to add in any other information that you think will be useful for your application:
Why do you want to be a Values Leader?
What ways have you contributed to our school already (e.g. Road Patrol)
What are your strengths and abilities and how would these be useful to the Values Team?
Include any new idea/s you may have for your chosen Values Team.
Generally, why MUST we have you as a Values Leader?
Best wishes and good luck!