Hero photograph
Photo by Urmi Shah

Mahuta News Week 6

Urmi Shah —

Another busy week in Mahuta and Friday seems to come around very quickly each week.

On Thursday, we were entertained with singing and dancing from the "Hiwi the Kiwi" team.  This show links to our big idea this term and the children learnt some ways manage, protect and preserve our marine environment.

Each Thursday, we will be hosting some Canadian teaching students. They will be working alongside the children throughout the school and supporting them with their learning.

Devices: If your child brings their own device to school, please could you ensure that the following free apps are downloaded.

IXL, Reading Eggs (for those who use it), Epic, Storyline online, Google drive, Google sheets, Gmail, Google slides, Google docs, Google Classroom, E platform, QR code reader, Pic collage, Blogger, Flick (Apple devices only imovie & imotion)

P.E. The children need to bring their sports uniform on Tuesdays and Fridays please.

We are still looking for some parents to support our Winter Sports programme. If you are available to coach a team and attend our Friday afternoon sessions, please send an email to Peri (perimarks@merrin.school.nz). 

Reading support: If you know an adult who would like to support our lower ability readers, please email me (urmishah@merrin.school.nz). 

Important dates for the week ahead:

Monday 13th March : 6.30-7.30  

Parent Consultation Evening regarding the school values

Wednesday 15th March

Scholastic Orders Due 

Thursday 16th March:

 CAT Exam, 9am in the hall.

Crusaders Visit (selected students only).

North West Zone Swimming.

Have a great week ahead.


Urmi, Lisa, Peri, Laura and Francis