Welcome to 2016 in the Pataitai Pod.

Tania Gallagher —

Nicky Hebberd, Hannah Minty and Tania Gallagher send you all a warm welcome. We are looking forward to having a great year with your children.

Firstly, can we please ask that all stationery and clothing is named by Monday. The children will be working across three learning spaces and we would like to be able to return lost belongings to them. We have attached a stationery form in case you have misplaced yours. 

This term, summer uniform is to be worn and named sunhats are compulsory.

On Wednesday 3rd February at 7pm, starting in the hall, there will be a learning information evening. This is where you find out about programmes and how we will be using our spaces to support your children. It would be beneficial for you to come along.

We will start off our morning on Monday in our whanau rooms. Ms Gallagher will be based in Room 17, Miss Minty will be based in Room 18 and Miss Hebberd will be in Room 19. Please come into the Pataitai Pod to be welcomed before we go to our whanau rooms. Please note that the children are not to be at school before 8.30am.

The children will not need their devices in the first week as we will be spending time team building and getting to know each other.

We look forward to seeing you all soon.

Kind Regards

Nicky Hebberd, Hannah Minty, Tania Gallagher