Rachael Green — Jul 18, 2022

Thank you to all of our wonderful ākonga who dressed up in green and collated bird data during the NZ Garden Bird Survey Week last term!

Buddy classes had a wonderful time together, on the lookout for birds and creating awesome bird crafts. We raised an impressive $391.50 which will go towards plantings for our lovely new landscaped gardens. 

What happens next? - From the NZ Garden Bird Survey Team 

"The survey forms head to the NZ Garden Bird Survey modelling team who scrutinise the bird counts. They then use super computers to analyse the huge amounts of data that have been collected over the years to complete trend analyses.

Healthy bird populations can indicate that the environment is healthy. We know lots about endangered native birds in the bush, but we don’t always know what’s happening in the populations of all the birds around us, particularly in urban and garden environments.

What we learn from information about the birds in your garden collected by you and your fellow citizen scientists helps our researchers make decisions to protect our environment. It also tells us if what we are doing in areas such as predator control is working." Source NZ Garden Bird Survey