Hero photograph
Photo by Lisa Dillon-Roberts

Principal's Message

Lisa Dillon-Roberts —

We are enjoying an extended summer this week. It is so lovely to see the children enjoying being outside at break times.

Congratulations to Siobhan Van Der Werk who has just won a permanent position at our school.  Siobhan had been teaching at Merrin due to Nicky Hebberd's maternity leave.  With the resignation of Nicky, to focus on family life, this position was advertised as a permanent position.  We are thrilled for Siobhan and for our Merrin stars. 

Special wishes to Kate Morgan (Whaea Kate), who will be off school for a few weeks recuperating from surgery.  We look forward to seeing Kate's energy and enthusiasm back with us next term.  

I would like to bring to your attention two important articles in today's newsletter, one is about Chicken Pox which is currently doing the rounds here at school, and the other is about Measles which has been identified in Canterbury and contains advice from the CDHB. 

I would like to take this opportunity to remind parents and caregivers that if your children are unwell, please do not send them to school. We would like to minimise the spreading of bugs as much as we can.

Thank you to everyone for the noticed improvement to driver and pedestrian behaviour outside our school.    Please continue to be mindful of your actions when driving and parking near the school, children can be unpredictable and their safety is our highest priority.

I recently attended the Weetbix Tryathlon, wow, what an event! Congratulations to our students who participated and to our families who were the 'support crew' on the day. It was such a fantastic event and a real pleasure to watch fit and healthy kiwi kids giving it their best! I would encourage all children that can, to give it a go. The support from the volunteers and the crowd makes it very achievable.  

I am looking forward to tonight's  Whānau Hui and this weekend's National Athletics Championships here in Christchurch.

Kind regards