Hero photograph
Photo by Susan Perring

Spanish Lessons

Susan Perring —

On Tuesday and Friday mornings in Room 4, you will find some keen students who get up early to come and learn Spanish.

The classes aim to cover listening, speaking, reading, and writing Spanish. Formulaic chunks of language enable communication between each other so phrases are learnt in context and modelled as to how to use these across different topics. The students use a variety of games and activities to help retain their vocabulary. Oliver and Elsa have used the game Pick Up Sticks to practise learning colours in Spanish.

Topics we have covered so far this year are greetings, numbers, colours, friends and family, and pets. The game "Guess Who" has been helpful in combining language about hair and eye colour, plus accessories.

The wonderful thing about learning an additional language and its related culture(s) according to NZ Curriculum is that "students come to appreciate that languages and cultures are systems that are organised and used in particular ways to achieve meaning... It also introduces them to new ways of thinking about, questioning and interpreting the world and their place in it."