Hero photograph
Photo by Oakley HAWES

Oakley's year 8 leavers profile 

Oakley HAWES —

My favourite saying is "howzat" because I get people out in cricket.

Name: Oakley

Age: 12 Arrived  at Merrin School in 2010 

My theme song is:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mdh2p03cRfw

I am giving back by doing: Tuck shop

Hobbies: Cricket, Soccer, Volleyball

How I wished to be remembered: Sport 

Current learning goals: To get stage 4 in maths

My future aspirations are: cricket

My heroes are: Brendon Mcallam Me Tom Latham 

Reflection: At Merrin I have had loads of fun with teachers and students.

I started at year 1, really quiet not saying much. I remember being in Mrs Bargh's class. She was so nice to me when I was crying or I was having trouble with something.

Time passed so quickly that I was at year 8. I started and it was a big jump for me to year 7 to year 8 because you are like the leaders of  this school. I've have respected the values of Merrin by doing things for people. I've made a lot of friends.