Hero photograph
Photo by Toni Germon

The Literacy CAFE Menu

Toni Germon —

Our classes have a Literacy CAFE menu posted on the walls that contain strategies that good readers use when reading.

In our classes, we compare our Literacy CAFE Menu to a menu at a restaurant.  We have discussed how the food we order at a restaurant depends on the time of day, how hungry we are, and what we like to eat.  This compares to our classroom CAFE menu because as readers we use the strategies we need at the time to help us successfully read and understand text.

CAFE is an acronym that stands for Comprehension, Accuracy, Fluency and Expanding vocabulary.  These become our goals and the strategies we use to be successful with our goals are posted below them.  Each student has goals and strategies specific to their individual needs and gets direct instruction to help them move forward and become better readers.

From time to time your child will bring home a bookmark with the strategy they are working on and we will continue to post information here with suggestions of how you can help at home.

Thanks for your continued support!

Ideas and strategies taken from The CAFE Book by Boushey & Moser