Hero photograph
Photo by Hannah Minty

Weekly News

Hannah Minty —

What is happening in the Pataitai Pod? 

Hello Parents and Caregivers, 

Can you believe we have reached the final week of Term 1. Time has certainly flown by! 

A huge congratulations to all students who participated in the Merrin School Cross Country on Friday. 

Information Evening: How do we learn in the Pataitai Pod? 

Join us this Thursday evening (14th of April)  at 7pm to experience a day in the life of a Year 4 student in the Pataitai Pod. We will be talking about our learning programme and how it runs over the 2 spaces with 3 teachers. We look forward to seeing you there. 

Journals: Can you please return all reading journals by Friday. 

Have a great week, 

Hannah, Nicky and Tania.