Welcome to Term 3 in Pataitai 

Tania Gallagher —

This term is 9 weeks long and we are going to be busy...

Welcome to Term 3. We have a lot of activities this term and are going to be busy from day one.


This week we will be sharing all our speeches for the Speech Competition. The final will be held on Friday 29th July for all Year 4, 5 and 6. Please ensure your child is ready to share their speech from tomorrow onwards. The students that will be presenting speeches have had the holidays to make sure it is finished. They  have taken their writing books home for the holidays and should published their speech on a Google Doc, their blog or onto cue cards ready for the first week of Term 3. 


A reminder that some students are running low on some of their stationary. We have noticed that many are low on pencils, red pens, glue sticks and whiteboards pens. Please ask them what they need so they are ready for this week.


We have discussed the use of devices over the holidays. We have decided that, in consultation with the students, we are looking at a license system. This will entail us talking with the students in week one about what criteria they see fit to have them back at school. Some students have prepared their speeches on a Google doc, so they will be able to bring their device in for this purpose only. 

A.L.L Programme

Also a reminder that the students in Year 4-8 will be taking part in the A.L.L Programme. This is where we do our Reading and Writing through Science. It is a very exciting programme where the students enjoy taking part in science experiments and writing up the scientific process.

Kelly Sports

We will continue with Kelly Sports on a Friday Afternoon. Please ensure your child comes to school with the correct PE gear as well as suitable footwear. 

We look forward to seeing you all tomorrow.

Tania, Nicky and Hannah

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