Hero photograph
Photo by Amanda Simpson

Paws to Read

Amanda Simpson —

Reading to dogs programs are a great success and now Merrin Students can benefit too.

When children read to a dog, the outcomes can be amazing! It is non-judgemental, children’s focus improves, literacy skills increase and confidence soars.

Dogs do not judge, laugh or criticise. Reading to a dog helps children to relax, open up and try harder whilst having fun.

Zola is a 4 year old retired racer who is the World’s laziest dog. She left her working life and has had a break but she wants to return to the workforce.

She is a wonderful calm and gentle girl who loves to lie around, perfect for listening to kids read.

She will be at school everyday except Tuesday and is already booked out!  She looks forward to reading with the kids and helping them improve their literacy.

Since writing this article Zola has come in for a few days.  The kids have loved reading to her during this time and come morning tea and lunch for a chance to read. Great start to the program!